Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Everything red, white, and blue... My secret obsession

     Anyone who knows me knows I have an obsession with the 4th of July. Who can resist fireworks, BBQing, red, white, and blue decor, & freedom?! Every summer I look forward to the 4th of July. I love America and I love red, white, and blue. I always feel so blessed when celebrating this holiday. So many people have sacrificed so much for our country and we are free because of that. 
     My 4th of July favorites

-Big fireworks 
The show your city puts on should be pretty sweet.
Grilled shrimp, steak, hamburgers.. sign me up!
So many floats, some candy being thrown, maybe even water sprayed at you.
-Wearing red, white, and blue
Nothing makes me feel more patriotic than wearing those colors! I have had my kids 4th of July clothes picked out for months now. Target has the cutest stuff! I ALWAYS paint my nails red or blue
-Making patriotic looking food 
I almost always make a fruit trifle. It is made with angel food cake, whip cream (homemade baby!), strawberries, and blue berries. I've made rice krispy treats that are red, white, and blue. I also make a flag cake. Guys, I am obsessed! I want to do even more this year!
-Glow sticks
Yes, glow sticks. Red, white, and blue ones of course! I buy a ton if we are having friends over to watch our own little firework show so all the kids can have them. If we got to a big show, I usually just buy enough for my kids....maybe me too. I always begged to buy glow sticks as a kid. People would walk around selling glow sticks, cotton candy, and popcorn at our towns firework show. Everything a kid could ever want!
     As a kid I always loved fireworks and the 4th of July. This obsession grew with age. One year my parents took us kids to a beach boys concert in the city & it was amazing. Not only was the show amazing but they shot off fireworks after that were shaped like planets, smiley faces, and all sorts of stuff. I feel like this only fueled my love for America. Below I have a collage of my 4th of July obsession. It started from a young age when I had that ridiculously  hideous stylish tweedy shirt. I have now pushed my obsession on my children...don't even worry they look adorable! I wish some of these were more up to date.
1- flag cake
2- fruit trifle
3- side view of fruit trifle
4- red, white, & blue dress on my daughter
5- inside of flag cake, tie dye!
6- at the BIG firework show. My daughter is wearing a flag shirt I made her! My son is enjoying the show from inside my belly.
7- patriotic babies! I can't stand their cuteness
8- sporting tie dye & tweedy! 90's... ha!
9- my sweet baby girl. Pretty much EVERY summer I buy at least one patriotic bathing suit. 
   Some of you are probably thinking, wow this lady needs help. Maybe I do, but how can you go wrong with loving America and embracing all the red, white, and blue the world can offer? Please let me know your own obsessions!!
                                 GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Monday, June 26, 2017

8 things to bring camping with kids


    We really enjoy nature and being outdoors. Well, summer is here!! So we have been trying to go camping, fishing, shooting, & anything else we can & to enjoy the beautiful weather. Camping is one of our favorites. We have 2 kids, so camping can be tricky. Have no fear, I have 8 things to help your next camping trip be a success!

1- Bring glowsticks
My kids go crazy over these things. I am not going to lie, I really enjoy them myself.  My kids like them when it gets really dark, they are like a little night light in our tent. Not to mention, when they are running around outside I can always spot them by their glowing bracelets.
2- Blankets
I know you are thinking, blankets... yeah I know sleeping bags, something to keep the kids warm. I agree, but I let me kids bring their own blanket. It is a little piece of home and comforts them. 
3- Cards... UNO or face cards
We like to bring UNO or face cards along anytime we camp. Our kids love it. We play go fish, war, slap jack or just good old UNO. If you are camping for a few nights or even just one, kids may get bored. Or maybe you just want to keep them close by while you prepare dinner. Give them some cards and viola, easy entertainment.
I cannot tell you how many times we've gone camping and what a big hit bubbles are. We went with a big group of friends and brought bubbles and the kids had so much fun playing with them. The nice thing about bubbles is it entertains a wide age range. So much fun!
5- Water guns/water balloons
I say water guns. Just for the simple fact there is no clean up. You can get them at the dollar store or walmart for so cheap. We get the $1 ones from walmart that are long and skinny that suck up water. Then we've brought a bucket and fill it with water. That way they can suck up the water from it and you don't have to sit under the water spicket trying to fill up those tiny water guns with the tiniest hole! (seriously, who thought that was a good idea!?) They also make water balloons you can fill up like 50 or so at a time. Super fun & quick to fill. Then after make a game of who can pick up the most balloon trash! 
6-Kid food
We have all been there, you cook dinner just to have your kids say that's gross or I don't like that! So do yourself the favor and bring some kid friendly food. Whatever that may be... go-gurt, apples, cheese and crackers, hot dogs. You get the idea. You won't have to worry about hungry & cranky kids.
7- wet ones/ baby wipes
Kids are just straight up gross. Somehow they manage to get dirty in any situation. So be prepared and bring those baby wipes. We've used them for cheetos face to dirty worm gut hands. Baby wipes save lives.
8- toy/book
Hear me out. I realize that camping is to enjoy the outdoors and whatnot, but it doesn't hurt to have a few action figures or a book to read while hanging at the campsite. I usually will have my kids bring a few tiny toys and a book or 2 to read. My daughter is a book worm and will sit in her camp chair and read for a long time. It is very relaxing & she is still enjoying nature. My son will take his action figures and play in the dirt or wherever. It's fun & relaxing. 
  That's all the things I can think of for now. These things have made our camping trips much more enjoyable! Comment below on the things you've brought to make camping a better time.
                         Happy Camping!